21 Jul 21 / Blog

The Good Works Continue and NEW WISH LIST and VIDEO TOUR

Feed My Lambs Ministry’s orphanage, school children and young adults at University continue to thrive in a challenging environment. Many of you will have learned of the assasination of Haiti’s President. This sad event will have led to a great deal of unrest, and we are praying that a good and impactful leader emerges — one who has the very best interests of the people of this impoverished country at heart.

Please take a few moments to look at our WISH LISTCLICK HERE– Feed My Lambs Ministry’s most pressing needs following the past year and a half of covid/pandemic etc. Obviously travel to Haiti is difficult at this time, but Phillip and others on “the FMLM team” are planning to fill a container and get it (and themselves) to Haiti as soon as it is safe to do so!! You can also see a brief VIDEO TOUR (CLICK HERE) one of our volunteers made early last year.

Our school children have been returning to the fold in droves. The pandemic caused a decrease in sponsorships due to financial challenges, so we hope to find many more sponsors. You, our supporters, can help, by spreading the word and sharing our message. Share our website and facebook page with your friends, colleagues and family members.

For just $21 a month or $252 a year, you can provide a student with education, medical help, a school uniform with school shoes (and underwear if necessary), a cooked lunch three times a week and a back pack. Not bad when you think what a lot we have while others struggle to even eat! Please help us now. As Nelson Mandela said “ Education is the key to getting out of poverty”. This is so true! Click HERE to donate now!

Students getting ready for exam time

FMLM Academy Uniforms are provided by sponsorships


It fills your heart and restores your soul

Pictured below is Marianne (better known as Herbie). She has sponsored many orphans and students over the past several years, and also works hard in Bermuda (paperwork, walking dogs, car boot sales, raffles, packing containers, yard sales, tag days and so much more) to help raise money, find other sponsors and generally provide support for Feed My Lambs Ministry and the children we serve. Herbie is pictured below with “Woody”, who is now in University and I will let her own words tell the story:

“…. I first went to Haiti 6 years ago and have been there 11 times altogether .  I originally sponsored five children, one of whom left the orphanage .  I have since sponsored a little girl called Edeline and have seen one of my children progress to her taking medicine at the Port au Prince University.

I also sponsor three children at the school.  One of the boys did not have any shoes when I met him.

I was working with Lisa Richold taking photos and collecting information on some of the students when I first met Woody. He impressed me from the word go and I had to sponsor him through University. If I had not sponsored him, Lisa would have. He was very mature and very sincere

Woody graduated last year with a degree in electrical engineering and is currently working on an English course which he finishes in November. He would then like to work at FMLM and has already done a number of projects at the university home .

Haiti is an unbelievably poor nation and I believe that if every Bermudian visited there,  we would not have the materialistic outlook that we have here now….” Click HERE for more information about volunteering and click HERE for information about other ways to help.

Marianne Herbert sponsor with Woody