24 Aug 20 / Blog

Welcome to the new FMLM website

Feed My Lambs Ministry (FMLM) is delighted to announce the launch of its newly developed website.

FMLM was founded in 2009 in an attempt to bring relief to on-going plight of the Haitian people. It is a Bermudian non-profit that believes every child in Haiti deserves an education, clothing, a healthy meal, medical care and a home. 

Following a lengthy consultative and design process, working with marketing agency MiTSO Marketing, the resulting website reflects the organisations compassionate approach to providing children with an education, a school uniform, school shoes, school supplies, a backpack and more importantly hope. Hope for a brighter future… a future filled with possibilities.

Phillip Rego, FMLM Founder said:

” At FMLM, our aim is provide not only shelter, food and education to the children but also a sense that they had a future of opportunity ahead of them.

I feel that now is the perfect timing to refresh our corporate identity with an updated and compelling website which reflects our commitment to supporting children in Haiti. I hope our new website makes it easier for individuals to find the information they need and makes it clear that we want to create a lasting change for children who need it most.

If you would like to help us make a difference as a volunteer, please contact us“.