
Despite the 1987 constitution of Haiti, education is still considered a privilege where alternatively, in many parts of the world, education is still considered a human right.

In Haiti, you are considered lucky if you have an education. 

Of approx 3-3.5 million school-age children in Haiti, 800,000 do not have access to education

(Bruemmer, 2011)

In fact, Haitian public schools have the capacity to serve only one quarter of the school-age population (The World Bank, 2006) and in many rural areas, there are no schools.

There are low enrolment and high drop out rates in Haiti primarily due to economic hardship.

Language can become an obstacle to achieving education, due to the fact that a majority of Haitian families speak Keryol in the home and the parents of many students are not French literate, yet lesson plans are taught in French.

Due to these and other challenges, the average Haitian child receives only five years of education. 

We opened Feed My Lambs Academy (FMLA) in 2013 for Haitian children to attend for free.

FML is located in the rural area of Montrouis, about 1 ½ hours north of Port au Prince.

As of today, we have over 700 students enrolled at the academy. Our school is fully certified by the Haitian government and we employ a faculty of 30 Haitian educators. 

At FMLA we provide three nourishing meals a week along with a high-quality education taught by certified and dedicated teachers.

In 2014 we added a library to serve those within a 100-mile radius of our school which will help broaden the horizons of the students attending FMLA and the people in the community. 

We help our children receive higher education

19 former FMLA children are enrolled in higher education programs studying Radiology, Nursing, and Pre-medical. Click here to see some of them!

5 former students have graduated from Universities in Port au Prince and the Dominican Republic. Our graduates give back to Feed My Lambs Ministry in many ways and aspire passionately to help the people of Haiti.

Meet Jeff, a FMLM Academy & University Student.

Feed My Lambs is built on the concept that each child should have the right to a proper education, to fresh food, to clean water and to a brighter future. All of our graduates give back to Feed My Lambs Ministry in many ways and aspire passionately to help the people of Haiti.