A HEARTFELT THANK YOU to Marianne Herbert, Feed My Lambs Ministry’s most ardent supporter, volunteer, donor and fund raiser for many many years. Founder, Phillip Rego, visited Bermuda in recent weeks to attend an Appreciation Event at St. Mark’s Church Hall in honour of Marianne, who is leaving Bermuda at the end of April. She will be sorely missed, and will be leaving Bermuda with our profound and utmost respect and deep gratitude for all she has brought to Feed My Lambs Ministry, the children in Haiti and the Bermuda community. We will miss you terribly Marianne!
Pictures tell the story better than words, so this newsletter features many, and some links to videos that were taken on the day as well as some from the children at the orphanage and school in Haiti, who call Marianne “Mom”.
Thanks to Marianne who has walked dogs, sold calendars, organised tag days and participated in car boot sales over many years to raise funds for Feed My Lambs Ministry’s school student feeding programme (lunch 3 days per week), that programme has thrived, with over 600 children attending Feed My Lambs Academy daily. Marianne is irreplaceable, and we will be working hard to find ways and means to ensure that the food programme continues. Thanks to her efforts, our loyal supporters in Bermuda and others in the US , a container of food was sent to the orphanage and school in March. What a lifesaver, literally!
Additionally, thanks to loyal supporters, sewing machines (6) for uniforms and more were included in the container. FMLM was able to purchase and install new batteries for the solar panels, and they are now up and running. The growing season has been excellent, and with ongoing education at the school for staff and the children about the importance of sustainability, growing food and tending the garden, the result has been better than ever this year. More photos below to tell those stories in ways words never will.