18 Sep 16 / Blog

Food For Kidz donates to Feed My Lambs Ministry


A month ago a man walked into our sign shop in Colorado because he had seen the shop advertised on a vehicle at a truck stop. He saw the Feed My Lambs calendars on the counter and asked my son Adam what this Feed My Lambs organization was all about. Adam said let me get my dad and he can really fill you in on all the work that is going on in Haiti. We had a nice talk and I found out that John runs an organization called ‘Food For Kids’. He left the sign shop and we went back to work.

A week later in walks John who says to me “I want to give you a full container of food for your people in Haiti”. I was flabbergasted and absolutely overcome by the generosity of this man. We talked logistics and how the food was going to get to Haiti and then I started to worry about where the money was going to come from to purchase the container to get this food to Haiti. I called a trusted friend of mine for advice and counsel and he said Phillip, I believe in this organization and I believe in you so the money for this container will be in your account today. The blessings that are heaped onto me and onto our family in Haiti completely humble me. This is not coincidence my friends and I am reminded once again to have faith … it will all work out as it should.

I flew to Illinois this past Friday to get all this food sorted out and met with a group from The New Faith Fellowship on Saturday morning at 6:00 a.m. We started setting up tables and laying everything out and by 8:30 a.m. people from the community started to arrive … and arrive … and arrive. 210 people showed up to help measure out, bag and box all this wonderful food that had been donated.

We started to get the food bagged and when we reached the first 10,000 meals a bell rang out loudly and everyone cheered and clapped. I got up to tell everyone a little more about our people and program in Haiti. The next 10,000 meals bagged and the bell rang out again and I got up to speak a little more and on and on until we had bagged nearly 70,000 meals.

The photos below show these wonderful people in Illinois working for our family in Haiti and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. Words cannot express how full my heart is and how thankful we are for you. The man in the red shirt, well that’s John. My friend, we are so happy you walked into our shop.

To each and every one of you who support The Feed My Lambs program and our family in Haiti I pray that the blessings that have been heaped upon us the Lord will bless you ten-fold in return.

With gratitude and love … Phillip Rego





