07 Feb 24 / Blog

“…If you teach a man to fish…”

Sewing School has Reopened

Happy New Year friends and followers of Feed My Lambs (FML) Orphanage and Academy in Montrouis, Haiti. I think you all know the saying “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” 

Founder Phillip Rego has recently received some photos of the students and orphans learning about gardening and irrigation, assisting the facility’s manager, Kelly, and other teachers with electrical work on the premises, and enthusiastically attending the newly re-opened sewing school (thanks to one of the former students giving back to the Feed My Lambs community).

It is heartening to know that despite the many problems facing Haitians — we are sure you will have read news about the situation in Haiti — the students, orphans and staff at FML Ministry continue to do their very best in trying conditions. Children in impoverished countries have an appreciation for education and learning that is sometimes lacking in more prosperous nations, where such privilege is often taken for granted. Sometimes, it seems, those who have the least are the most enthusiastic when opportunities to learn and work arise. It is certainly that way in our little village in Haiti, where those who are minding the children, teaching them, and ensuring their safety in challenging conditions do so with great and determined purpose and dedication. The children find pleasure in the simplest of gifts, and the gift of education is the most valuable. All of you who follow Phillip (click here) and Feed My Lambs (click here) on Facebook page will know this, and your support (click here to learn about donating – NB new account number for US donations) has helped this little haven in Haiti continue to shelter, nourish and educate these children. Thank you again and again.

Important Life Skills

Garden – Irrigation
Electrical Work

School is in Full Swing

While the political situation continues to create turmoil and strife in Haiti, our Academy at Feed My Lambs Ministry is going strong, with hundreds of children attending school. Some walk miles every day, and they are grateful for the lunches we are able to provide three days per week. This video tells the tale (click here).

Kids lining up for lunch

Click here for more photos of our feeding program in action.

Continuing Education

Thank you again for your loyal and unflagging interest and support for the children of Haiti. Even though we have not been able to get there in person for many months, we have provided the means for our programmes to continue in providing shelter, nourishment and education at FMLM. Our graduates who are studying at University in Port au Prince continue to excel. We are proud of them, and thankful to be able to assist. When it is safe to travel to Haiti, we will let you know and invite those of you who wish to participate on a mission trip to contact us.

Please Share our Message

Never hesitate to share our story, and our mission and our news! Send that link to your friends and family via email, text, whatsapp, instagram and spread the word about the work we are doing and the work that needs to be done. Thank you.


Feed My Lambs Ministry’s account at Chase Bank has changed. Click Here for updated account info.