10 Nov 21 / Blog


With not ONE, but THREE containers en route to Haiti as this news update is written, we are counting our many blessings. Thanksgiving, just around the corner, is a time to remember how fortunate we are, and a time to express our gratitude. We thank all of you who contributed funds, clothing, shoes, food, medical supplies and equipment, building supplies and equipment, toiletries, school supplies and more. We thank all of you who gave us your valuable time to assist with receiving goods, loading and organising containers and getting it all prepared and ready for shipment to Haiti. We thank FMLM founder, Phillip Rego, for inspiring us with his committment to keeping FMLM going despite seemingly insurmountable challenges and adversity. We thank all of you who continue to support this special corner of hope in Haiti – the Feed My Lambs Orphanage and Academy, and the students there and those students now at University in Port au Prince. Thanks also to our student sponsors, university sponsors and orphan sponsors for your consistent annual contributions towards the wellbeing and education of these Haitian children.

Please click HERE for information about student sponsorships and CLICK THIS FOR HOW TO DONATE. If you’d like to see an overview of the facility/village, CLICK THIS LINK.

Accompanied by four other brave souls (from Bermuda, North Dakota and Colorado), Phillip journeyed to Haiti in early October to see firsthand the situation there and deal with some urgent needs at the Feed My Lambs village — solar panel and truck repairs, outdoor kitchen setup, and a leaking roof. In Phillip’s own words, “… I’ve been going to Haiti for more than 12 years, and I have never seen anything like it…”. Fear and confusion after such difficult times in recent years and even months. And in the midst of all of that is hope, and huge gratitude for the help received and to come.

A fourth container will be sent soon from the US to arrive in Haiti just before Christmas. We will keep you all updated as and when the donated food, clothing and equipment has been safely unloaded and distributed. Stay tuned and do check our WISH LIST (click here) for regular updates as well.

Thank you all again and again for supporting Feed My Lambs Ministry in helping children in Haiti. We know that not everyone is able to visit the country, but if any of you wish to do so, please let us know so that once it is safe, we can plan for future visits and get back to the regular program of three or four mission trips (click here for what to expect video) per year.

Thank you letter from a student Oct 2021
Food for Kidz volunteers hard at work for FMLM
Students back at school October 2021