02 Oct 12 / Blog

Our Progress

Feed My Lambs Ministry has been very busy with relief efforts in Haiti – particularly our orphanage that will house over 60 children. Last year, Little Venice Group in Bermuda held a golf tournament at Belmont Hills Golf Club to raise money for the Haiti earthquake relief efforts, and generously donated $30,000 of the money raised to Feed My Lambs Ministry. We are so tremendously grateful for their heartfelt and generous contribution to our efforts in Haiti. With their help, we purchased a piece of property for our orphanage in late 2010, and work began in October. Our kids are very excited about their new home, as their current home is becoming quite cramped—housing 27.

In the time that has passed since the devastating earthquake in January of 2010, Feed My Lambs has made leaps and bounds of progress in our relief efforts. Immediately following the devastation, we provided a full surgical team along with all the medical supplies needed to do the job. More than 115 surgeries were performed and over 300 people were serviced in seven days. Every person that was seen by our doctors received a bag of rice and beans.

With the help of the Bermudian people and several generous donors, we were also able to fly a cargo plane with 33,000 pounds of food, clothes, and other goodies for Haiti.

Our clinic has also been involved with providing medical attention to a tent city in Port au Prince that’s populated with nearly 10,000 people.

Founder Phillip Rego was also successful with the launch of a school for grades 1 through 9. The school, which employs eleven teachers, will provide free education to any child in the community who wishes to attend, unlike other Haitian schools where attendance fees are $250 a year. Children will also be allowed to attend class in regular clothes, as opposed to a mandatory uniform. For the cost of a weekend away in a hotel, we can provide a Haitian child with a year of education, and an opportunity to better their lives.

A few months ago, Phillip received word that an 11 year old Bermudian girl named Aliana King, was assigned by her teacher to complete 3 hours of community service. She was supposed to donate 3 hours of her time to someone in the community of Bermuda who needed her help.

Luckily, Aliana chose to help Feed My Lambs. It may take her ALL SUMMER to reach her goal. In fact, she will need the help of A LOT of people. So she created a video with the help of her mom asking people for donations. The video basically describes what state Haiti is in at this point and how you can help. The name of her project is “1000 give $20”. Her theory is that if 1000 people give $20 then $20,000 is possible to reach.

What started as a community service project has become a mission of hope. Project “1000 give $20″ is raising money to fund the ministry’s latest endeavor: raising $20,000 to complete an orphanage that will house over 60 children. This building project will eventually include a school and another clinic.

Project “1000 give $20″ is a simple concept with immeasurable rewards for the life of a child. Though $20,000 seems like a lot for one person to give, if 1000 people each give $20 dollars the same can be accomplished.

Feed My Lambs is also proud to announce that we are now a recognized charity in Haiti, known as the Feed My Lambs Ministry Foundation. This is a wonderful accomplishment for us, and we are overjoyed.

As of today, our orphanage is nearly completed, with only the kitchen, bathrooms, and minor roof repairs remaining. Our next goal is to install solar panels to allow refrigeration to lengthen the lifespan of food, and also to provide lighting at night and enable a pump to provide water. The building has not been continuous, but sporadic as donations are received. We are incredibly thankful for these funds, given with such selflessness, to our organization. It is because of you, our helpful donors, that we are able to surge forward in our efforts to better the lives of those so vastly less fortunate than ourselves.